Monthly Archives: April 2014

“Every Little Bit Helps!”

Dr. Nicole visits Dental Centre in Dominican Republic

Our very own Dr. Nicole describes her visit to the Dominican Republic below:

“This past February I was privileged to visit a small area of Puerto Plata known as Aquas Negras. I use the word privileged because even though the surrounding poverty was overwhelming, the children’s enthusiasm and smiles captured my heart and left me with memories I will never forget. Thanks to Heritage House Dental and Oral B, I was able to bring tooth brushes, tooth paste and floss to the local dental clinic which provides free dental services to the community. I can’t even begin to describe how great the need is there, but as Sandra, the community leader pointed out, every little bit helps!”

To see photos of her visit and the reactions of the children she helped, please visit our Facebook page by clicking here.


Get in Shape and Support a Great Cause

Join Heritage House Dental Ride for Heart Team

Heritage House Dental supports the Heart and Stroke Foundation and has registered for the 2014 Ride for Heart on Sunday, June 1, 2014. We welcome you to join us. We already have 5 staff members on the team! There are different riding distances and start times. You are free to choose whichever you prefer; however all of us registered for 25km ride with General Start 8am – 9am.

We will reimburse the $55 registration fee for everyone who joins our team, however, every team member will be responsible for a fundraising minimum of $100 for Heart and Stroke Foundation. When registering, remember to click “Join a Group” and then enter “Heritage House Dental” in the Team Name field. Follow the prompts to complete registration.

Please register by clicking here.


Mississauga News 2014 Readers’ Choice Contest

Mississauga News Readers' Choice Awards

Please nominate Heritage House Dental!

We have been hearing from you about how much you love Heritage House Dental. Please spread the word by nominating us for this year’s Mississauga News Readers’ Choice Contest. To vote, please click here, proceed to item #42, and type in “Heritage House Dental” under the section “other”. Voting closes on Sunday, May 4th. We want to help others love their smiles as much as you love yours. Please vote for Heritage House Dental today!


Say “Bye-Bye” to Winter…

It’s time to Spring into Action!

Plan your next dental visit NOW! Most dental conditions are easier to treat when diagnosed in the early stages, resulting in less complicated procedures becoming necessary. Please contact our office to schedule an appointment or arrange a consultation with a treatment coordinator to discuss your dental treatment options. The best way to spring into action is with a healthy, confident smile.


5 Mischievous Causes of Headaches

Causes of Headaches

You are not alone: the unwelcoming pounding and numbing pain of headache is shared by many people. Affecting more teenage girls than boys, common headache triggers include stress, lack of sleep, excessive heat or sunlight, smoking and diet. Understanding some of the hidden causes and triggers of headaches is the key to avoiding this malady.

TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint Disorder)
A condition known as TMJ or TMD occurs when the jaw is not resting in an ideal position. Over time, symptoms of discomfort including headaches may develop. Other reported symptoms of TMJ include, but are not limited to, jaw clicking, inability to open wide, jaw tenderness, difficulty chewing and ringing in the ears.If you are suffering from any of these symptoms or suspect that you may have TMJ/TMD, we can help. A therapeutic treatment program for relief may be beneficial to you and we can discuss this at your next dental visit or during a consultation. Do not hesitate to ask your dental health professional for advice.

Unbeknownst to you, your teeth and jaws may be busy and hard at work, all while you sleep! Bruxism involves excessive jaw clenching or teeth grinding. Many people may not even be aware that they are doing it because they don’t associate the following symptoms; chipped/worn teeth, headaches, aching jaw muscles and hypersensitive teeth. To help individuals who are clenching or grinding their teeth, a night guard may be advised. This device helps protect your teeth from possible chipping and puts your jaw in a more relaxed position. Using a night guard on a regular basis may help you start your day without a pesky headache or jaw pain.

Chewing Gum
A study of adolescents discovered that gum-chewing preteen children and young adults are giving themselves headaches. Typical triggers in this age group include stress, sleep deprivation, heat, video games, noise, sunlight, smoking, missed meals and menstruation. If you or your teen chew gum excessively and notice that a headache follows, simply cease chewing gum and monitor headache patterns to confirm whether this is a trigger. This might very well be one of the easiest and drug-free headache cures out there! If they persist, consult one of our dental professionals to rule out a TMJ condition.

Eye Strain
Inadequate or excessive lighting and using a computer all day strains the eyes and their surrounding muscles. You may be experiencing headaches due to eye strain. Another possibility is the potential need for corrective eyewear. Regular visits to your Optometrist are important to ensure healthy eyes and a proper prescription.


Working at a computer all day doesn’t just impact your eyes; your body tends to get strained as well if you sit in the same position for an extended period. Taking appropriate breaks is ideal for your overall health and to keep your headaches at bay.

Whatever your headache trigger; we can discuss symptoms and treatment options to get you on the road to comfort and prevention. At Heritage House Dental we are always accepting new patients and would be happy to help you. Please don’t hesitate to call us at 905-814-1600 for an appointment.

Dr. Kate Bazydlo, Heritage House Dental